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About Me

I'm a writer and illustrator who believes all who have one tail . . .  have several tales. 

When I was 5, my desire for a bit of realism in art launched when I asked my mom to draw a lady. She began with the arms and legs of a stick person. I asked her for a do-over because I was pretty sure that ladies have thicker necks and legs . . . and that wobbly heads and bodies were not a good thing.


One year later, my brother and I co-wrote and illustrated our first book. We glued teeth the tooth fairy left behind to the smiling girl on the cover because we were pretty sure all girls have teeth. We realized this wouldn't work if our book were ever published. There would be a lot of kids at dentist offices and tons of book covers needing regular brushing and flossing.


It's not much different now. I like to write and draw characters with necks and legs strong enough to support their heads and bodies. And sometimes they have teeth! (Only now I draw them).


The things I really like to draw are dogs, other earthbound four-legged critters, and dogs, two-legged primate critters, and dogs, water-submerged-finned-critters, and dogs,  feathered-flying critters, and dogs.


In 2009, I was selected by Laurent Linn, Art Director of Simon & Schuster BFYR as one of his 3 participants in the Nevada Mentor Program through the SCBWI. The Nevada Arts Council awarded me a Jackpot Grant to help fund my participation through the 6 month program. I value this opportunity so much and attribute much of my growth as an artist to this program. Refining my skills through critique groups with input from industry professionals who devote much of their time giving back has also been a tremendous gift in an exchange where give and take helped me grow as a creator.


My artwork is currently featured at Eagle Framing & Art Gallery.


My Howlywood Hounds have their own Facebook page and the pack is growing by leaps and pounces.



Thank you for visiting my site and viewing some of my creations. 






​​© Copyright 2013 Illustrations by Cynthia Kremsner. No animals were harmed in the making of these images.

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